Big News! Heather wrote a new children’s book!
A note from Heather:
This is a book I’ve been working on for years. A book I am the most proud of. A book celebrating all the kids, just as they are. A book with a timely message of kindness, love, inclusion, goodness, and truth.
I don’t know about you, but I could sure use a boost of love, kindness and inclusion right about now. Let me tell you, as an author I am committed to putting books in the world full of love, kindness and inclusion. Books pointing to how much better we are when we celebrate and embrace our differences, and create spaces where Everyone Belongs. Books pointing to the intrinsic value and worth in each and every human created in the image of a good and loving God. Books we can hold in our hands and say out loud over and over again to the kids in our lives, “I Like You So Much!”
A powerful message of celebrating individuality and what makes you unique
I Like You So Much! reminds kids of this core truth: they are good and loved exactly as they are. Using inclusive and engaging language and art, New York Times bestselling author and disability advocate Heather Avis encourages all kids to confidently remember that who they are—exactly as they are—is absolutely wonderful and oh-so-likeable!

Through captivating words and colorful images, I Like You So Much! celebrates all children in their unique features, characteristics, and abilities and reminds readers ages 4-8 that each child is lovable and likeable—just as they are!
From their face to the way they feel, from their body to their brain, from the sounds they make to the ways they love and do their best. This book reminds children that they are likeable just as they are —and that who they are is enough!
FREE Downloads! Share a Compliment Card with someone you LIKE SO MUCH!

Here’s the key message for all of us who work with and love kids: our influence is profound. From the moment a child comes into our lives, we have the power to shape them. We can choose to teach them to be:
Radically Loving, Radically Kind, Radically Inclusive.