
The Lucky Few Podcast LIVE at NDSS Adult Summit
The NDSS Adult Summit is headed to the West Coast! We are excited to welcome hundreds of individuals from across the country to Costa Mesa, CA, for three days of connection and educational sessions on a variety of topics that address adulthood and aging for the community.

DSDN Rockin' Mom™ Retreat
In 2024, DSDN will host our ninth annual Rockin' Mom™ Retreat! Rockin' moms (mothers of children with Down Syndrome in our online groups) will gather from across the country to connect and recharge. The weekend's activities are planned for moms only (plan out the child care now!) and will focus on supporting moms with young children, although most everything will surely be relevant at all parts of our journey.

WAVE Conference
Join Heather at the Week of Academic Vision for Excellence (WAVE) Conference at the Central Wyoming College (CWC) in Riverton, Wyoming. Hosted by Wyoming Department of Education, Special Education Programs Division.

National Down Syndrome Congress Convention
Join us at the National Down Syndrome Congress’ Annual Convention from July 25-27, 2024, in Phoenix, AZ for another year of learning, friendship making and nonstop dancing! Year after year, we come back to the familiar feeling of an international family reunion found nowhere other than NDSC's Convention with thousands from around the globe. We will be in the exhibit hall, signing books and holding babies so please come say hello!

Hope Heals Camp
Hope Heals Camp is a week-long retreat and year-round community offering rest, resources, and relationships to families experiencing disabilities. Friends, I cannot sing the praises of this camp enough. This is a sacred space where everyone got to show up exactly as they are and be celebrated and embraced fully. The kind of room and stage we are striving for every single day. Because everyone belongs.